30 December 2011

Christmas 2011: Inbetween Days

Last gym session of 2011 today.

Treadmill: Intervals of sprint and walk for 12 minutes.
PullUps - Deadlifts - Bench Press - Box Jumps - Thrusters - Rolling Dumbbell extensions - Plyo PushUps with Dive Bombers to finish off.  Was pretty good workout and certainly broke a good sweat out of me.  I still didn't feel 100% today but better than yesterday at least when I was coughing and it sounded pretty rough that even Caroline the PT said "Oh that doesn't sound too healthy(!)".  I laughed it off and said, "Yeah trying to fight it here!"  =P  Got a compliment from a guy at the gym when I was at the cardio suite.  Went over to shake his hand (as you do when you greet buddies and wishing a good Christmas and New Year) and he said he had been eating everything this Christmas and will want to head back to full training again from January.  He commented that I was looking good and look leaner compared to when he last saw me in the gym (just a few weeks ago).  Must be the top I was wearing.  Haha!  Anyway, yeah, I am glad that I started the ATHLEAN-X training program back in May this year.  It has certainly helped me lose lots of bodyfat whilst building and maintain muscle mass.  It is generally each to do both at the same time, hence bodybuilders go through the "bulking stage" when they pump iron whilst eating lots and lots and get big (gaining lots of muscle and fat along the way), then they go for the "cutting phase" and do lots of cardio in place of eating lots and hope to lose the bodyfat, revealing the muscle they built up during their bulking phase.  It sounds easier than in reality as the bodyfat will never be shifted away completely or the level we'd like, at least not naturally.  I've been through that stage of the game before and I can say it was fun whilst it lasted but now I train in a much more smarter way, training like an athlete, lots of bodyweight exercises along with free weights and generally get more body parts involved to increase anabolic and metabolic rate and the results speak for themselves.  =)

The above picture was a random idea when I was in the changing room getting ready to leave.  I had my shaker cup at hand whilst mixing my protein supplement after my shower.  I took this picture because I wanted a record of how I look at the end of 2011 and I want to use this to better myself in 2012.  I have great aims for 2012, spiritual and physical goals.  Talking about physical goals, I don't like the picture above: I would like to build up my trapezius muscles, they look pretty flat compared to my shoulders.  Also there is still too much bodyfat around the waist and I need to do more to burn away the stubborn layers.  (Doing ab exercises alone will NOT do anything btw, that is called spot reduction - does not work!).  Cutting away sweet stuff (apart from my supplements and stuff like yoghurts) and lowering carbs in the evenings will help too.  So when it turns 2012, in less than 48hrs, I will be lowering my sugar intake whenever possible.  I will still have my vitamin c drink of course (orange taste), but will be abstaining from sweet empty calories like sweets, chocolate etc.  Please, do not offer such things to me.  I will let myself some freedom when it's Cat's wedding (July/ August) and really celebrate then, especially in Singapore!!  =D  One final thing, I want to build bigger calf muscles.  This one I am NOT looking forward to, even as I type this, I would rather work anything else but these stubborn stubborn muscles.  But I know if I want bigger calves to look better in my kilt then I better get to work.  Lol!  So again in January I will start training the calves specifically.  There are so many different exercises and believe me, these weak muscles will always ache the few days after the workout.  LOL!!  So these are the three physical goals I have for the new year.  I will share my other goals next time :)

Last day of work tomorrow (Hogmanay!).  Three lessons: 0930-11AM, 11-1PM then 330-5PM and then I'll be done!!  Off work for a whole TWO days!!  Haha!!  Not sure what's happening for New Year yet.  Might be a very quiet one this year =)

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