13 December 2010

Mundane Monday

Didn't manage to get up for the gym this morning.  Was woken up by my 6:15am alarm, silenced it then clumped back into bed.  Had considered getting up and checking the living room window to see the weather conditions before deciding I could teach, but couldn't do that either.  Just felt very tired and drained.  I think mentally drained as well.  Didn't really sleep that well.  Felt slightly awake all the time, with my mind ticking over through the night.

Managed to teach three lessons today despite the heavy fog in the morning.  Fortunately it cleared around midday after my first lesson and I was able to do two more later in the day.  A few phrases circulated around my head today.

"Patience is a virtue" - Quite true, though can be difficult at times.  Very difficult.

"It's better to give than to receive" - This may be true, but if we keep on giving and take nothing in return, wouldn't we end up deprived in some way?

"You reap what you sow" - In terms of the gym, yes.  However, not in all areas.  Currently sowing... awaiting the harvest.  Don't see any results or signs of life yet.  Is the current weather affecting this crop as well?

Snow preparation

Everywhere and everyone has been talking about the upcoming snow storm on Thursday and Friday that is apparently going to cripple the UK especially Scotland and bring it to a standstill again.  Ok, maybe the effects will not be as bad as last week as the new Scottish Transport Minister has been notifying everyone in Scotland all about it and has been "making preparations" already.  However, I can forsee another few days of no work and sitting on my ass losing money.  So I want to make myself useful and actually do some preparations myself!  This is so on-the-spot, but I wanna build a list of things I want to do during my Snowed In Days...

~ wrap all my Christmas presents
~ write all my Christmas cards
~ update all my client records and admin details
~ hopefully do press ups throughout the day
~ get more sleep
~ finish watching my Still Game box set dvds
~ finish reading my book on prayer which I started around end of October
~ tidy up my Facebook account

Maybe there'll be more to come, but here's the list so far in the order which they came to mind, which I guess shows their priority... or randomness.  Lol!

Goodnight all!  Have got the gym tomorrow 7am!!  =D

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