11 February 2011

Washed away...?

I wish sins could be washed away with my shower an hour ago.  I wish troubles could be washed away down the drain pipe as well.  I wish worries and uncertainties would vanish along with the condensation in the bathroom.  But they don't disappear as quickly as we'd like.

The first driving lesson of this morning was very taxing.  This was pupil's first lesson after two weeks of missing out.  A middle-aged Chinese wifey who needs the lesson in all Cantonese.  She's tiny.  From the start we had difficulties in getting her to push the clutch pedal fully down, so we use a booster seat for her back to push her lower half further forward to help her wee legs.  That's not an issue.  We did a recap of the previous lesson and the important MSPSL steps we take to do anything.  That is, we check our mirrors, decide if we need a signal, position our car, make sure the speed and gears match and then look into the new road that we're going in to.  The theory sounded fine and were both in agreeance with it.  The problem started when we started the car and her wee left foot had difficulty finding the biting point yet again.  We had this problem few lessons back but by now she should be ok with it.  Fine, I changed cars few weeks back but she shouldn't be that bad.  After a few starts and stops she managed to get the biting point accurately but taking like aaaaages!  I couldn't even rush her cos didn't want to make her panic.  A few times we parked by the road side and the car was going slower but still travelled too fast for a stop.  Upon checking her out again I realised she was not fully pressing the clutch down when stopping at the kerb and the car was moving at the biting point. I reminded her the clutch is always the one you press to the floor and the response was "Oh is it?" as if we hadn't covered it EVER!  So I said, "Yeah, I've been doing that since day one" and smiled.  Inside I was screaaaaaming!!!  What the heck!!  The whole lesson went on pretty shoddy and I caught her yawning a few times.  Her usual lesson time is 1-3pm but had to be earlier time of 10:30am this morning due to a driving test.  So I guess she had another excuse that she didn't have enough sleep. Sigh!!  I find my patience really tested with Cantonese lessons.  I cannot express myself or explain things as well in Cantonese as I can in English.  So telling people off I get all flustered trying to flick through my Chinese dictionary in my head finding the right words.  Argh!!!  I guess I am not very patient after all.  This job has confirmed that...

Just Go With It

This evening I went to watch Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston's movie "Just Go With It" and was hoping to be cheered up cos I've been feeling crap this passed week with so many things happening, unnecessary phone calls, unncessary meet ups, unnecessary stress and of course my recovering shoulder, which I can confirm is all 99% restored!!  However, I have yet to go back to the gym cos I kept sleeping in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday cos I've been up dealing with stuff, thinking, blogging and praying.  It's very frustrating indeed but I hope next week will give me yet another chance to start afresh and to refocus on myself and doing the things that help make me feel happier.  The gym is my pride and joy and I have to get back into it =)

So this movie did cheer me up a wee bit, aye.  It had some funny parts in it that literally made me laugh loudly and I was not ashamed of it although I was sitting on my own in a packed Screen 9 which was full of couples all over the joint.  Couples and groups of wee kids that'd shout stuff occasionally.  Lol!  The movie plot was about a doctor who used to sleep around with girls after pretending he was married to a really abusive wife.  Until one day he found a girl whom he really liked and didn't have the ring on, but she found the ring in his pocket and went mad.  He then had to spin a story that was he was in the middle of a divorce from this "wife" and enlisted the help of his work assistant/secretary to pretend to be the wife.  And there the movie starts off, lie after lie, lies to cover other lies and in the end he discovers who he really loved.  Kinda cliche but kinda different too.  It was nice and made me think about stuff.  Sometimes the shiny young hot blonde ain't the answer to everything.  Haha!!

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