12 February 2010

Matters of the heart

Was asked if I was interested in going on a (not so) blind date last week.  It was sort of exciting to hear about it, especially when I heard the girl thought I was kinda cute and would like to go on a date.  Sounded good initially, but after better consideration, my mature self kicked into action and I had to tell the cupid that I am not ready for a relationship at the moment, not until I have settled down with my career first and I would not like to lead the girl on.  No reply since I told her that.  But it's fine, cos I know I'd rather nothing happen now than a simple "just friends" date that leaves things open-ended.  That would suck and leave things awkward.  However, I do thank God for giving me that opportunity to choose and I hope my decision was pleasing to Him.  I am sure God oversaw the whole thing.  The girl herself is a Christian too.  God has great plans for us.  =)

Songs of Solomon 2:7b reminds us "never to awaken love before it is ready."

Sometimes I forget and I always think "what if...?" and weigh up the potentials with another partner.  Do they have what I'm looking for?  Would I be what they are looking for?  Are we compatible? etc etc.  If the majority of answers are affirmative then my mind wanders and I start thinking how I could make my feelings known.  But then again, if I do and she reacts badly to it, what will I do?  Or if the result is positive...what then?  These are the sorts of questions I ask myself as well.  It's crazy.  It's just the excitement of chasing, of flirting.  It's nice.  Aye, I'll be honest, I like it.  But along with all actions comes re-actions and / or consequences.  And being the careful and sensible person I am I find myself stopping there and not allowing myself to proceed.  Only for a moment.  Then later the thoughts begin again.  Then stops.  Hahaha!  Talk about a vicious circle!!  =O

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