09 November 2011


Received a compliment from a personal trainer at the gym this morning.  He was impressed that I could do the Hanging Windshield Wiper exercise.  I can't do it full range yet but between the pillars of the Smith machine and even then it really works the core esp the obliques.  I told him I started doing windshield wiper exercises on the floor first before even attempting the hanging ones.  The PT said he might try it when are less people looking, said he thinks it will be hardest to get the legs up in the air to start with.  I told him I was surprised I could do them the first time (only found out I could do them about two weeks ago, so now is my new hobby which I try to fit in to each session I'm in =P).

The compliment was nice and although it wasn't a big comment that "brightened up my day", it did give me positive encouragement whether the guy meant to or not.

The recent verse of the day through my Bible app was from Proverbs 15:4:

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."

What this reminded me of is that we humans like to give and receive compliments.  Well some receive more than give.  God has given us a tongue to help us speak and communicate.  Ideally to help build each other up by speaking the truth, spreading the Good News and encouraging each other.  The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life.  Speaking the right words to somebody can really encourage them and put some positivity into their day, or their life.  It can really make a big difference to someone who has been feeling very down that day.  To hear something nice about themselves.

Some people unfortunately "mis-use" their tongue through lying, slander, (non-constructive) criticism and general negative comments.  Things they say are sometimes with anger, hatred and malice.  Those hearing such remarks will be negatively affected, whether you like it or not.  Even at a party setting where everyone is having fun.  It can take as little as one negative comment from someone to "kill the mood" of the party.  So we must be careful how we speak to people.  And try to make sure what we say is more towards positive.  Of course, if you are feeling low yourself there is no need to pretend to be happy happy.  But we should watch how we present ourselves otherwise.  Do we gossip?  Do we back-stab?  Do we divulge secrets?  Do we "slag" people off sometimes?  I am guilty of the last one sometimes.  When everyone is having a laugh about something or someone, I do feel tempted to join in 'for a laugh'.  But at the end of the day, I am aware there is a limit.  That I should not be doing it because God wouldn't be too happy about it.

Just some sharing about what I got from my Verse of the Day.  =)

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